SetEXIFData 10.5

setexifdata A new version of SetEXIFData is now available:

(25 May 2023)


  • - SetEXIFData now supports Dark Mode.
  • - Changed the toolbar icon to one that is visible in light and dark mode.


  • - Setting Dates/Times via option 1 was broken, and is now fixed.

SetEXIFData 10.4

setexifdata A new version of SetEXIFData is now available:

(03 May 2023)


  • - SetEXIFData has been localised for English (default), French, German, Italian, Spanish and Dutch.
  • - To make room for the bigger words in these other languages, the main window is a bit larger, and some buttons, labels and fields have been widened and/or moved.


  • - The options 'Remove all EXIF, IPTC and XMP tags' and 'Remove all removable tags' have been removed from the 'Dates and Times' drop down menu, and placed on the first panel, at the bottom, in their own drop-down menu.

WDF/BA Updates and improvements


 WDF/BA Updates:

- The key combination ALT/OPTION-ENTER now also works in EDIT-mode and puts the focus on the 'Submit'-button. This allows for quick and almost keyboard-only data entry.

- In listview, you can now use the arrow keys to select a record. The page will automatically scroll up or down when you reach the botoom or top. Hit ENTER to open the selected record in VIEW-mode, the hit ALT/OPTION-ENTER + ENTER to start EDIT-mode.

- Fixed a bug with the user's account expiration date.

- Improved the country-selection drop down menu contents, now that country codes have subcountry codes, like 'IT-21', 'US-AK', etc.. in GP008/11/14, MD000/1/2/5.

- Various other fixes and improvements.

SetEXIFData 10.3

A new version of SetEXIFData is now available:

(26 April 2023)


  • - Added a 'Remove all EXIF, IPTC and XMP tags' option in the 'Dates and Times' drop down menu.
  • - Added a 'Remove all removable tags' option in the 'Dates and Times' drop down menu.


  • - Added a 'Processing...' dialog to show the app is doing something and to prevent clicking on window elements while it is processing.

SetEXIFData 10.2

A new version of SetEXIFData is now available:

(3 April 2023)


  • The app now also looks in '/opt/homebrew/bin/' for 'ffmpeg', if it cannot find it in '/usr/local/bin/'.
  • The app dialogs at startup telling you about missing 'dcraw' and 'ffmpeg' have gone. This message is now displayed in the preview window, at the top where normally the image thumbnail is placed.

Various updates and improvements


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Moved common used code into a separate include file.

- Moved invidually generated Javascript validations into the common template.

- Time-entry icon is only shown in Edit-mode.

- VAT-code array now uses DEFAULTCOUNTRY from GP006. If not found, it will use the user's country.

- VAT-percentages are now read from the country-table (GP007).

- Various other fixes and improvements.

SetEXIFData 10.1

A new version of SetEXIFData is now available:

(29 March 2023)

For older version changes, look here

- Alas, version 10 is a paid upgrade, sorry. To purchase a new serial number for v10, simply click the button 'Buy with Paddle'.
- If you donated after October, 2022, you do not need to purchase a serial number; you will receive a new serial number for free in the coming days; if not, contact me.
- The trial limit of 5 photos or movies has been changed to 0. You can try the app, but it will not modify your image or movie files. You will need a serial number to enable that.
- When you have purchased a serial number, your number of activations is now limitied to 5 computers and checked over the internet. How many activations are left, can be seen in the 'About...'-window. Contact me if you need more activations.
- You can use CMD-W to close a preview window.
- You can select and delete multiple rows from the list. Use SHIFT and/or COMMAND keys to select rows.
- To open a preview-window, you now have to double-click a line.
- To open multiple previews at once, select multiple lines and press COMMAND-O.
- Added Google JSON import for EXIF data. If you drag images exported from Google onto the window, the JSON file should exist in the same folder, as named by Google: '[image-name].jpg.json'. SetEXIFData will use 'description', 'photoTakenTime' and 'geoDataExif' from the JSON file.
- Added the use of 'libraw' as a 'dcraw' replacement. Install 'libraw' via 'homebrew' ( brew install libraw. Choose what runs on your system, SetEXIFData will look for 'libraw' tools first.
- Added the use of 'ffmpeg' for generating movie preview thumbnails. Install 'ffmpeg' via 'homebrew' ( brew install ffmpeg.
- Added 'x of y' files to the notifications.
- The file list scrolls up while processing, as visual feedback that the app is doing something.
- Updated the version-check to Xojo's latest URLConnection-class.
- Reading of files with special characters (/, ç, ü, etc.) is improved.
- Changed the text field into a listbox.
- Repositioned and changed the 'Presets' popup menus. They now leave the chosen or created preset visible as long as you don't change anything.
- The 'Elevation' is now saved in the 'Geotag preset' too.
- The Preview image now scales to the width of initial width of its canvas. It does not scale when resizing the window.
- To modify the Finder-dates, '/usr/bin/getfileinfo' is now used, when it is installed. If so, it should be kept up-to-date!
- When using 'Retrieve Date/Time from EXIF date', the application would crash on EXIF fields without a time, like 'DateCreated'.
- Reading / writing a file path containing double quotes with 'setfile' and 'getfileinfo' has been fixed.
- Duplicate paths (including the file name) are immediately removed from the file list.
- File names with multipe dots in their names, are processed correctly when used for 'Auto-fill'.
- Creating thumbnails from RAW images with spaces and special characters in their file names has been fixed.
- Adding/Subtracting from ContentCreateDate and CreationDate in movie files has been fixed.

Updates, improvements, fixes, etc.


 WDF/BA Updates:

- UI improvements for subfiles: title bar, field rows...

- UI improvements for list view: aligning buttons, background colors, ...

- Added VAT/ST-tiers to GP007, with 'Valid from'-date.

- Updated the countries table with regions and states, for example: 'US-AK' for Alaska, USA; 'CA-AB' for Alberta, Canada; 'IT-21' for Piemonte, Italy; etc.. Applications and database tables have been updated accordingly to accomodate for the longer country codes.

- You can now add translated country names in GP001. This will then show the country's name in the selected WDF/BA language.

- Searching in GP008 was standard with wildcards around the entered text. To speed up the search, this has been removed. If you want to search in 'contains'-mode, add a '%'-sign before the value you're searching for: '%nl'

- Stopped logging data that was never look at, and so save some disk space.

- In drop down menus with a search field, the search is now 'contains'-mode, instead of 'begins with'-mode.

- Loading text labels is faster. The underlying query to look for text in the current language has been improved.

- MD003 and its tables have been removed. An 10 year old idea, but never developed any further.

- Various code improvements and small bug fixes.

Changes, additions and updates


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Faster searching on the date in GP000, PFD000 and PFD001.

- Added the name, and a description, of the cron job to GP002.

- GP002 now also shows if the job is actually running or not, by showing a red number next to Yes/No in column 'Running'.

- Added a function 'mv_checkVATID', which checks a VAT-ID format and then at VIES.

- Added the hostname to the HEAD section of each app.

- Added a 'Log All' switch, which overrides the log level when on a development server, or for a super user on any server.

- Added Chamber of Commerce, Bank data and Payment Term to MD001, and removed it from MD000, where applicable.

- Moved variables used in both interactive and batch applications into a single file.

- Added system variable 'DEFAULTCOUNTRY' (GP006) to GP008, GP011, GP014, MD000 and MD001.

- Added currency data (name, abbreviation, symbol, decimal separator) to countries (GP007).

- Added currency variables, which are read from 'countries', initially with variable 'DEFAULTCOUNTRY'.

- Formatting masks are now formatted after reading currency data.

- Added VAT or GST data (type, high/middle/low %, valid from date) to countries (GP007).

- Added a new function 'mv_generateSerialNumber' to generate a serial number that can be en-/decoded in PHP and Xojo (and other languages if needed).

- Changed database tables and columns from latin1 to utf8. All tables and columns are now utf8.

- Various CSS and Code improvements, and bug fixes.

Changes and updates


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Created better webbrowser-tab-titles.

- New masks to display numbers and amounts.

- Added extra currency defaults: $s_CURRENCYxxxx.

- Removed the SDS82-only restriction on GP000/2/5/7, GP010, MD000/1/2/5/6/7.

- New: Introducing a licensing model. If you want to sell your WDF/BA product, in according with our policies, you can now use a license code for your customers. When the license expires, their WDF/BA implementation cannot be used anymore, until they renew via you. License keys are maintained in GP006 and the customer's implementation calls the license-API to check for a valid license.

- Changed the standard upcase function into a multi-byte capable upcase function. This ensures ü is upcased to Ü, ñ to Ñ, etc.. This is done only for customers running PHP v7 or higher.

- Introduced 'excluded keys' for GP006. For excluded keys, separate GP006-variants exist, especially tailored for a specific type of key. With excluded-keys, you cannot change the data of these keys via GP006.

- Corrected various Help-texts.

- Code improvements.



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